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For Elevator & Bus Enthusiasts Everywhere

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3D Prints, Elevator Parts and More!

Our Collection

About Elevator Enthusiast Supply

Elevator Enthusiast Supply is a collaborative project between ElevDSM & QE Elevators with the goal of allowing enthusiasts to purchase elevator-related collectibles without having to spend a fortune on eBay. We create high quality models and print them on state-of-the-art 3D Printers. With QE Elevators' 4 years of 3D printing experience and an army of 8 3D printers, we guarantee high-quality prints. Additionally, with ElevDSM's 7 years of modeling experience, we guarantee the utmost quality in our designs. All models are self-designed, printed, and shipped out ourselves. Take a look at the pictures featured here showing off the beating heart of our business, the 3D printers themselves and the workspace QE Elevators operates in.

image of my 3d printer room

What Do We Make?

Parts from Defunct Brands

Even though many brands like Dover, Westinghouse, Haughton, and many others no longer exist, we can continue their legacy by selling 3D Prints of commonly known features of that brand. Instead of buying overpriced products on ebay, you can own a piece of memorabilia for a affordable price.


Many people have a favorite elevator company and like to buy merchandise from them. Whether they are defunct or still operating, we sell 3D-printed logos for various manufacturers to show your support for them.

Replacement Plastic Parts for Fixtures

Whether you're a technician or simply an enthusiast with a collection, many elevator fixtures feature plastic parts that break and are hard to get ahold of. With 3D printing, we can model and print those parts out at a fraction of the cost of an OEM part. This saves money and time, especially when the part is hard to get ahold of.


At Elevator Enthusiast Supply, our years of experience with CAD Software and 3D Printing ensure your parts will come out well. With high-end 3D printers tuned to perfection and proper maintenance, we guarantee that your 3D Prints will be of the highest quality. We inspect each and every print thoroughly, and with every material added, we properly tune the settings until it comes out perfect.

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